Account and Contact Information

Licensing Contact

Fields marked with * are required

Company Information

Parent Company Information

Parent Company Information

Fields marked with * are required

Public Trading Information

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Market and Technology Information

Market and Technology Information

Fields marked with * are required

Consumer Product and Implementation Information

Consumer Product and Implementation Information

Fields marked with * are required

Section B: Implementation Information

Financial Statements

Financial Statements

Fields marked with * are required

DESCRIPTION: Please attach audited financial statements for your company's most recent fiscal year end. Dolby certifies that these financial statements will be held in strict confidence and will only be used for evaluation of creditworthiness.

NDA Acknowledgement Agreement

NDA Acknowledgement Agreement

Fields marked with * are required

DESCRIPTION: You hereby acknowledge and confirm that the licensing information you are requesting contains sensitive information about Dolby's licensing practices and pricing policies. You hereby agree that any and all information supplied to you be Dolby pursuant to the license application process, including but not limited to information regarding Dolby's standard licensing terms and conditions, pricing information, patent lists, product specifications, licensing deliverables, and product road maps, is, and shall remain, confidential and proprietary to Dolby. You may not disclose any such Dolby confidential information to third party or exploit any Dolby confidential information without Dolby's prior written permission. Please select the "I AGREE" checkbox to acknowledge your acceptance of these terms and continue your application process.

Application submission was successful.

Thank you for the submission. Your application has been successfully sent to the Sales Operations team and they will be in touch with you for further processing of your application.